What Is Patent and Patent Troll

The owner of an invention is granted a right (patent) by the government for preventing others from making any kind of commercial or non-commercial use of that invention without his permission. Here, the invention can be a new product, process, method or any solution to some kind of problem. After registering a patent, no other party can exploit your product or process.

However, for an invention to be patentable, there are certain criteria to be satisfied. First of all, it should not be publically known before patent registration. It must be an improvement in an existing product or process. And, it must have some form of industrial application. An invention cannot be patentable if it is related to the diagnosis or treatment of human or animal body by therapy or surgery. Any invention encouraging anti-social, offensive or immoral behavior is not patentable.

In simple words, a patent troll is a patent infringement lawsuit filed by an NPE (Non Practicing Entity). NPE is an entity holding patent of a process or product but does not manufacture or sell it. In patent trolling, a company holding patent but not producing or selling the associated invention sues some other company producing or selling the product or process associated with the patent. Today, we have anti patent troll laws for preventing patent trolling but people tend to avoid litigations due to damages and expenses.

There are some companies offering patent infringement insurance covering all expenses of patent litigation, but people are unaware of these companies. Unified Patents has served Honda, JPMorgan, Toyota, Roku, Adobe, Google and many otherglobally recognized companies. If you need expert anti patent troll advice and patent infringement insurance coverage then visit Unified Patents now!


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