What is Patent Litigation Insurance?

Today,patent infringement is increasing tremendously. Patent litigation involves various types of substantial costs in addition to the degree of risks, both to the defendant as well as the patent holder. In order to accomplish various things proficiently, the companies plan on to take up patent litigation insurance services.

These days there are several types of patent litigation policies available and one must consider getting according to the related contingencies.

  • Intellectual Property Litigation Insurance – is the one that covers various types of legal costs that are sustained during the enforcement of the rights of every type of intellectual property such as trademarks, rights in computer software, copyrights and patents
  • Patent Infringement Liability Insurance –includes various types of legal costs that are engaged in defending the claim of patent breachin addition to the damages that are awarded once the liability is found
  • Patent Enforcement Litigation Insurance –offers legal costs coverage that patent holder incurs after the proceedings to shield and imposeits patent rights

Especially for SMEs, there are numerous benefits of patent litigation insurance.There are numerous companies offering state of the art insurance services and Unified Patents is a leading company that caters you with highly beneficial patent litigation insurance services.

Feel free to get connected with the professional team and check out various options available to meet your business needs.


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